A prophet with over 950 years of lifetime

After creation of the first human (Adam-The most advanced creation of Allah) and being deviated from his fortune path by devil’s (Satan) seduction to eat from forbidden tree fruits, he and his wife eve were descented and fell from their positions and dignity that they have possessed in the heaven. They landed on the earth with almost nothing. Therefore, they used to make their life by themselves and even making cloths to hide their private organs underneath. Afterwards they made family and children and pursued their goals in agriculture and ranching. As matter of fact the first man-made house was constructed by Adam. Also, the first place for praying for Allah was marked and somehow was built by him in a place that nowadays is called Mekka and was called Bakka in ancient years.

The first House (of worship) appointed for men was that at Bakka: Full of blessing and of guidance for all kinds of beings
Holy quran: 3-Al emran (verse 96)
Mekka photo

There is an evidence for how the earth and dry land was spreaded out long time ago and how it was forming. 3- Al-Emran verse 96 and 79-Nazeat verse 30 of holy Quran stands for this important clue that the land was originally spreaded out from Mekka, therefore this is one of the reasons why this region is a holy place. In islam, muslims refer 25th day of Dhuʻl-Qiʻdah in Hijri calandar to this event.

...Thereafter He spread out the earth,...
Holy quran: 79-Naze`at (verse 30)

Adam's (peace upon him) family and children

Based on Islamic Hadiths and references, Adam and his wife eve, had two twins of children that they were opposite gender in each twin. Meaning that the one twin was a brother and sister and the next twin was sister and brother namely:

  1. Qabil (brother) and Losa (sister)
  2. Habil (brother) and Eghlima (sister)

Since the Adam was the first human and the first prophet on the earth, he must choose one of his sons by Allah’s order for the next religious leadership. Hence, god told Adam that they must represent a gift for Allah and to sacrifice. Therefore, Habil chose on of the best lambs of himself and Qabil chose one of the worst wheat cluster. Worth to note that Habil was a rancher and Qabil was a farmer. The day was arrived and Habil’s gift was selected as the best meaning that he is the next prophet.Qabil made it so uncomfortable and turned sad and upset. He was confused and was searching for a way to conquer Habil’s position. So again by evil’s (Satan) seduction he thought that by killing Habil he would be the next religious leader. Therefore, in moment he killed his brother by hitting his head to stones. Suddenly he became regretful and so sad and embarrassed. He didn’t know how to handle this situation and how to bury his brother’s dead body. In a sudden moment a crow landed in front of him an began to bury something into the small soil. From this occasion he thought that he must bury his brother’s body in to the dry land. It is said that when Adam heard that sad news cried over 40 days and night for loss of his son and prayed for Allah to have a good new child that was proper for being a prophet. So, Allah accept Adam and Eve prayers and gave them Sheith. After years of living between generation’s Adam was passed way 1 year before Eve and Sheith chosed as a next prophet by Allah’s order. The more generations of humans were created and borned through years, leading to migration. Humans migrated from one place to another in order to find better places and voyage across the land. This time prophet Edris (peace upon him) that was related to Prophet Noah as grand father was arise to guide people. Prophet Edris was the first prophet that was be able to sew and make cloths. Before his discovery, people used to make cloths from tree leaf and animal’s skins and leather.

Habil & qabil photo

Noah: The first of five Holy and honorful prophets

He was a consistent and diligent in his religious responsibility and always treated people with kindness. The name Noah [In middle east literature roots] comes from the fact that he was always crying for Allah in his worships and prayers. In some Islamic references it is said that he was living appr. 6000 years ago. He made his religious duty in the most primary civilization which its people initially were defined how to make villages and how to wear better cloths. They were arrogant, sinful, guilty and heathen to god beliefs. Also, they are called the first tribe that made to idolatry. One the main questions about this tribe is: Where actually did they live on the earth? Well, there is hypothesis and theories that Adam tribe was living in the todays Saudi Arabia zone and if we think about migrations of next generations and some other clues and religious references that they had great Tsunami-like doom and disaster, we could approximately guess the places near the seasides and oceans:

  1. South east of Mediterranean seaside
  2. near Persian gulf and south east of middle east: nowadays Iraq zone

1 is more acceptable, but why? Here is a clue: According to scientific and geographical evidences, initially it was believed that the Mediterranean sea was part of the ancient Tetis primary sea in the nowadays middle east zone. But after some researches scientists found out that this hypothesis was wrong and it was not even identified as a lake, cause initially it was a giant desert with some rivers and small lakes in some places in a 3000 meters bellow the sea level. And This is why it has too many stones containing salt contaminations like Evaporite. Near 5.5 million years ago in a giant penetration of water from Gibraltar strait into it, a huge amount water were suddenly penetrate thisregion and filled it up that is called Zanclano storm.

Prophet photo

Noah and idols of his tribe

Noah’s tribe was the first civilization that spread out the worshiping of the idols. They built them, had prayers and put name on them like: Wadd, Suwa, Yaghus, Yauq and Nasr. These are the five primary idols that their names were saved through out the centuries and history of civilization. This time was the time that god sent Noah to his tribe for guidance.

Idol sample photo
And they say: By no means leave your gods, nor leave Wadd, nor Suwa; nor Yaghus, and Yauq and Nasr.
Holy quran: 71-Noah (verse 23)
We (once) sent Noah to his people, and he tarried among them a thousand years less fifty: but the Deluge overwhelmed them while they (persisted in) sin.
Holy quran: 29-Ankabut(spider) (verse 14)

Noah (peace upon him) discussed and explained a lot about god and why they should abandon their idol gods and reach to the Allah but they were arrogant and didn’t pay attention to his speaks. In the history of prophets, there were always people thinking that prophets are a kind of people that do their job or prophecy for money, but it was not true. Therefore, Noah like all other prophets in the history always emphasized and told them that he didn’t need money for his prophecy duties and purposes. However, A majority of prophets had their own job and made money through Halal paths which are totally different from the prophecy duties.

We sent Noah to his people (with a mission): "I have come to you with a Clear Warning:[25] That you shall not serve any but Allah, surely I fear for you the punishment of a painful day.[26] But the chiefs of those who disbelieved from among his people said: We do not consider you but a mortal like ourselves, and we do not see any have followed you but those who are the meanest of us at first thought and we do not see in you any excellence over us; nay, we deem you liars.[27] He said: O my people! tell me if I have with me clear proof from my Lord, and He has granted me mercy from Himself and it has been made obscure to you; shall we constrain you to (accept) it while you are averse from it?[28]
Holy quran: 11-Houd (verse 25-28)
"I tell you not that with me are the treasures of Allah, nor do I know what is hidden, nor claim I to be an angel. Nor yet do I say, of those whom your eyes do despise that Allah will not grant them (all) that is good: Allah knoweth best what is in their souls: I should, if I did, indeed be a wrong-doer."[31] They said: O Nuh! indeed you have disputed with us and lengthened dispute with us, therefore bring to us what you threaten us with, if you are of the truthful ones.[32] He said: "Truly, Allah will bring it on you if He wills,- and then, ye will not be able to frustrate it![33]
Holy quran: 11-Houd (verse 31-33)

Noah Making the giant ship with his believers

In the beginning a little amount of people were turned to Noah and a majority of people were still remained heathen. All of a sudden, Allah commanded Noah to build a giant ship, god himself was told him how to build it for a best cruising in the storm and the disaster. Because the Noah was told that his remain heathen tribe will be demolished by a great Tsunami or flood and there will be no more believers any more. Therefore, he began to build the ship for too many years. Since the ship was building in the dry land, when he and his followers was building this giant ship, sometimes heathens came to them to ridiculed or insulted them. Noah in the response always told them if you ridicule us now, we will be happy soon from your death after the disaster happened.

And he began to make the ark; and whenever the chiefs from among his people passed by him they laughed at him. He said: If you laugh at us, surely we too laugh at you as you laugh (at us).[38] So shall you know who it is on whom will come a chastisement which will disgrace him, and on whom will lasting chastisement come down.[39]
Holy quran: 11-Houd (verse 38-39)
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Noah was so oppressed and innocent that he had oppositions and enemy in his own family. His wife and one of his sons never believed in god remained heathen and were in total conflict with him and made so many troubles for him. God was told him, one of the clues that the disaster is going to happen is that the water will pour every where from rain and even from bottom of the earth and also the furnaces will hold and filled by water instead of fire. After days, the disaster was about to be happened and he was responsible to mount all of the believers and pair of each animal that were living in that time. When he started to pick up those he must, he fell sorrow and pity for his heathen wife and son, so invited them to the ship. They were arrogant and never accept this. His son told him: “I’m going to the peak of the mountain and it will save me from the disaster and you are still lying and I never take that ship nor believe in your god. Hence, Allah told him they must not take that ship and Noah don’t be fool. After the water risen up every one was sunk and the ship moved in front of the giant waves with safety.

The ship landed on mounatin judi!

And it was said: earth, swallow down your water, and cloud, clear away; and the water was made to abate and the affair was decided, and the ark rested on the Judi, and it was said: Away with the unjust people.[44]
Holy quran: 11-Houd (verse 44)

After surviving from long waves like an apartment or tower in the ocean, water was swallowed by the earth and the rain stopped and they landed on the peak of the mountain called Judi. They began to make generations which one of them was rooted to one of the main Noah’s sons called Sam. The new Mesopotamia was made with the children of Sam. According to holy Quran and how the earth pronounced in its solid form, it is strongly believed that the disaster was covered a wide range of lands on the earth. That approximately nothing were survived from that disaster but that ship.

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And We made his offspring the survivors.[77]
Holy quran: 37-safat (verse 77)
Sam generations photos

What is Heathenism and disbelief that lead to punish for Noah's tribe?

Well, heathenism is a kind of disbelief in god but it is a little different. A person that is heathen is different from a person that is Atheist, but all of them have the same punishment. Because the heathenism sees the imaginary and man made god in the idol and will make that idol related to the one and only god: Allah, or maybe have belief in one another or even more gods that is totally sin. But the Atheist doesn't believe in god at all, so all of them have the same punishment in the hell. However Allah is so merciful and may forgive every one after repentance.